Analects by Confucius


Inspired by Simon Willison’s TIL (itself based on jbranchaud/til), I want to try more bite-size publishing of interesting tidbits. So without further ado, Things I Learned / Today I Like:

At Recurse Center non-technical presentations yesterday, I listened to a presentation about Confucius’ Analects. Here were some quotes that stood out to me:

“Do not be concerned about whether or not others know you; be concerned about whether or not you know others.”

“When walking with two other people, I will always find a teacher among them. I focus on those who are good and seek to emulate them, and focus on those who are bad in order to be reminded of what needs to be changed in myself.”

“At fifteen, I set my mind upon learning;
at thirty, I took my place in society;
at forty, I became free of doubts;
at fifty, I understood Heaven’s Mandate;
at sixty, my ear was attuned;
and at seventy, I could follow my heart’s desires without overstepping the bounds of propriety.”